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Assassin’s Creed: Unity feature

Assassin’s Creed: Unity

Like Batman Arkham Knight, this game of the Assassin’s Creed franchise was launched in a very rough state. There are thousands of videos in the YouTube showing crazy situations, mostly because the AI, but also due to the poor collision detection and graphical glitches.

And as Batman, I played the game long after the launch, after the developers patch the patch of the patch of the patch of the game.

And as Batman, I played a buggy game.

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At the time I played the second game in the series, Assassin’s Creed 2, I did not comment in the blog. I don’t even recall if I had a blog at the time (in fact, I did have, because I played it in 2010, and it was mentioned in the 2010 in review). Anyway, it was one of my favorite games of all time at that point. I really enjoyed every bit of it. And I appreciate it even more when I finally when to Italy and could see in real life the places that I have been before in the virtual life.

Back to Unity, it felt flat to me.

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The visuals are great, I cannot deny it. Seeing the Eiffel Tower at the horizon (even for a brief moment because the main game is before its construction) was full of emotions. The crowd ragging against the monarchy is super cool (the crowd on the streets are not, because the pop and change visuals in front of you), the buildings are also very detailed. The character models are good, but the uncanny valley occurred to me: all seemed creepy.

The gameplay is the typical Assassin’s Creed fashion. The main difference here is that it does not work right. I believe that the developers wanted to put so many climbing and parkour points across your path that very often the character does something different that the player intended. It starts to climb in a weird point or get over an ordinary table. I had several moments that I died because I was not in full control of the character. The combat is ok but the armors and weapons all feel the same. There is no special strategy here.

The story is laughably bad. The MAIN character is boring. The main one. That Arno starts begin an anti-hero that is converted to a blindly good hero in a snap and is moved mostly by boring motives. I could not care less. The girl follows the same path. The secondary characters, in most part, are not good and when you think they are going to grow in the story, you have to kill them. That is, in fact, a kinda problem in the AC universe, because they are built to assassinate people, their opponents, so most story lines end on killing them before some good conflict emerges

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[story plot here]

The recurring structure of the story is:

  1. There is an enemy
  2. You are sent to kill him,
  3. By doing so, you discover that there is, in fact, a bigger boss

And the cycle repeats. It is not an accident that I cannot remember a single villain.

The side quests and collectibles, all boring. When finding a chest containing… nothing… is fun? The only collectibles that I compelled to do is open the map climbing strategic towers and evolving my own bar to a certain level that it generates loads of money. Getting flags or chests or entering the catacombs were too dull to for me.

The present storyline, against Abstergo, was only briefly mentioned. There is none in this game that reveals anything.

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The overall feeling is that I had to finish the game for the sake of my compulsive behavior. No reason to recommend to anyone, except if you are French (I suppose it would be awesome to have your own city mapped like this).

My Rating: 4★★★★
Metacritic: 70
My Neighbor Totoro feature

My Neighbor Totoro

This 30 years old cartoon is still a charm.

This Japanese animation showed me the importance of being open to alternative views. The theme and pace of the movie is completely different from the western animations.

The story is about 2 girls (and their dad) moving to a new house. Nearby there are some fantastical creatures that co-exist in this world.

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The pace is super slow. But not dragging-type of slow. It is contemplative kinda slow. They present the characters step by step, through small events. The two kids will slowly conquest your heart. They are so adorable. It was a great pleasure to care about someone, on the contrary of many of the western movies and games, that I could not care a thing about them. I loved  Mei and Satsuki.

The visuals are great. Like watercolor paintings and classic anime style of drawings. The Totoro character is particularly funny! The other creatures are cool, but they are not thoroughly explored, so I cannot say they are great. The music is a bit sparse, with long moments of silence.

My mainly, maybe only, complain is the abrupt ending. With many spoilers, at a certain point of the story there is a big problem that the characters try to solve. But at any point it as said it was the major final concern. I was personally expecting to, after solving it, to get to this issue. It ends in moment that I was not expecting to happen. It left the story with too many open questions, too many mysteries. When the credits started to roll I was shocked.

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It is a short excellent movie. It ends suddenly, but the whole ride is an enjoyable one. Totoro (the character) is now among my favorite anime characters ever.

Totally recommend you to watch it.

My Rating: 8★★★★★★★★
Metacritic: 87
Rotten Tomatoes: 94
Long Games that I Have Never Finished feature

Long Games that I Have Never Finished

[Edit: I pressed publish by accident. Some games added]

Length is an important variable for a video game. It is a bit curious, because for the similar prices, even the shortest game will be much longer than a movie. But among its peers, games do have a scale.

Many companies advertise the amount of hours to finish their games. There is even a great website called, you guessed it, GameLenghts that tracks how long users take to finish the game. There is a second site, and my favorite in the market, called How Long to Beat, that I feel more complete.

Bigger is not Better.

Most games suffer from a syndrome that most players never reaches the end of it. Sometime not even half of it. Many games do have achievements triggered when the player crosses the line. I currently have being playing some short games that I felt much more fulfilling. Some let me wanting more. But honestly I feel that wanting more is a better feeling “this game never ends!”.

I believe the story driven games should have a more concise length. It could be delivered in chunks, for those that want more. Open-world games, like GTA and Skyrim/Fallout, are understandably really long, allowing the players explore various things.

Here is a list of some games that I personally never finished.

  • Divinity Original Sin: this one I will finish soon. But it entered the list because I’ve played many games in the between.
  • (2)Skyrim: yes yes… I know. After not liking the previous installment, I came to this game knowing that I would struggle. After meeting The Witcher 3, it now seems likely to be played again
  • Borderlands 2: I played mechanically. Despite knowing that it is a nice game, I struggle to do it so brainlessly
  • (1)Bioshock Infinite: I started, I felt a bit fake and the story never hooked me
  • LA Noire: I am in a very late mission, but I think the saving I got is lost, so I might never finish it
  • (1)Dishonored: I started but soon uninstalled to open space to play The Witcher 3 expansions.
  • Transistor: I installed in my Linux notebook, but I rarely used to play games
  • Alan Wake: it’s a bit stressful to play. Also, I was not having time to play at night to fully appreciate it
  • (1)Half-Life 2: I always stop in a certain point than something happens that I move on
  • (1)Spec Ops: The Line: I played a bit and did not think it was amazing, but I feel it will surprise me
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent: I loved the whole concept, but by the end of a session I feel exhausted because of the level of fear and stress.
  • Hitman Absolution: I stopped in a given level than I moved on.
  • Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning: I liked the like story and the gameplay. But the game seems endless. I might play it more
  • Alien Isolation: the same as Amnesia. I always feel that I like horror games, but I feel very stressed out after while
  • Invisible Inc.: the same as Transistor.
  • FEZ: I liked the puzzles, but there are several of them tooo obscure for the to find fun on solving.
  • (1)Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: I liked it, and I feel it is good. It is installed, waiting to be played.
  • Psychonauts: I played a lot before Steam having a cloud save and my PC crashing
  • (1)Metro 2033: felt another FPS at the time.

And the list goes on…

In a list of more the 200 games I own and played, it is comparatively short list. Most of them are long games.

In bold, some that I try to play it again in the future, mostly because there are some that I liked so far, and I feel shame in not getting it to the final. I wanted to say that the others will be played in the future, but knowing that I will buy newer games, it is not honest with myself 😛

(1) Edited on 2021-09-20: Finished!

(2) Edited on 2023-03-09: Finished Skyrim at last!

Linux on Notebook, Take 2, Mini-Buntu feature

Linux on Notebook, Take 2, Mini-Buntu

My notebook is not new. I bought the Yoga 2 Pro almost 4 years ago. Two years back, I got annoyed with Windows, so I decided to install Linux in it. I was scared because on the contrary of most my PCs that I assembled myself, the Lenovo had a warranty and possibly custom hardware.

As I told, the attempt failed. It was giving me too many headaches. Also, I generally use my notebook to also program and develop games. And because the Unity Editor was not available (not at least in a reasonable version), I was kinda forced to migrate back to Windows10.

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About 3 months ago, I decided to give it a second shot. In case I was not clear, I use Linux in the desktop, in a dual boot, for about 15 years. I saw Ubuntu entering the market. But since I start to systematically be involved on making games, the necessity of Windows started too. Back to the experiment. It was a requirement for me that the general performance had to be great. Not good, great. I would prefer to keep on the Debian-like distro because I’m familiar to. Ubuntu family if possible. So I selected both Kubuntu and Lubuntu for a ride.

Kubuntu was the one that I tested before. I like KDE since version 2 but again failed in deliver a blazing fast experience. In the notebook, the boot time was several minutes. Even Windows 10 was a couple of seconds. I decided then to format and install Lubuntu.

Lubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative using the LXDE desktop environment. Super light. Man! Boot was fast and when ready it consumed a fraction of RAM of both Windows and Kubuntu. However, during my 4 weeks test I was giving too many little problems. So I decided to make another switch.

Xubuntu is fine in a 13 inches monitor. Then came to the software selection. Lubuntu was super short on preinstalled stuff, which I like because I generally don’t use them anyway, but Xubuntu came with some. The good news is that the selection does not consume much of the drive space and are light enough in case I really want to use them.

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I had to install Steam and it works nice. Unfortunately, GOG’s Galaxy does not have currently a Linux version, so the games have to be installed manually one by one. Also, your play time will be not computed, nor you will be alerted about updates. A second negative point is that most GOG’s games do not use the new cloud save feature, so playing a bit in the notebook and a bit in the desktop is only for games that progress do not matter. Fingers crossed for the future.

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Finally, I was looking for a game engine that works on Linux. Unreal, as I found, works, but you have to compile it yourself. GREAT 🙁 I did it. It took hours and the result was too many crashes and too big suite to work in a notebook. I was once again looking for a lightweight engine. I tested Godot and liked. But it is still lacking.

Then I found out that Unity is, in fact, releasing in an alternative channel (through forums) the update engine for Linux. I installed it too. Crashes a lot but it works. I’ve being playing the game developer in the notebook ever since. With the excellent Visual Studio Code editor, it makes my days fun.

After 2 months and half working most of the time on this notebook, I can be happier man but in general I am already one. It is fast, close environment that I face when I deal with cloud Internet stuff and free. I plan to migrate to a newer machine in the next year, mostly to get a better amount of RAM memory and battery life. Currently, it lasts 3 hours, which is by any means a shame for a mobile device.

This is currently my desktop
This is currently my desktop

Hacksaw Ridge feature

Hacksaw Ridge

I wanted to watch the latest Mel Gibson movie as a director because… it was Mel Gibson. I understand that Gibson plays a nuts role in most peoples minds, but as  a director, he is a quite talented one. I did not know much about the movie, except it was about a war (probably second great war, based on the trailer) and Gibson was the project leader. It was enough to make me curious.

After 30 minutes into the movie, I had to admit that I was hooked. Cool characters, cool story, very nice production.

Now, after seeing it entirely, I have to say: WOW. What a great movie it is! I was not expecting this quality.

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If you have heart problem, have kids with you watching or do not support violence and gore, keep away form this picture. It has it all. Like some super-realistic WWII movies (like the superb Saving Private Ryan), Hacksaw Ridge shows the battles in a visceral way. Gibson is very familiar with this, because Braveheart and Passion of the Christ are also displaying violence in its crudeness.

But for all of these movies, the crude violence is informative. It sets the tone of despair and importance of simple acts. You can see the real courageous and the cowards. The cost of the victory and the burden of the defeat.

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One of the major themes is about religion prejudice. It dedicates half of its time talking about how the military (and society in general) are very prejudicial against religious people, especially those fanatics. It tries to convince that, despite the fanaticism, all people should be respected. Quite bold and powerful message in times that Muslim fanatics are doing so many terrorist acts.

But the political argument was not about Muslins, but about Gibson himself. It is well knowing that Mel is a very religious person. In the last past movies, he always touched the subject. Passion of the Christ and Apocalypto address some religions views and practices. I felt that Hacksaw Ridge, sometimes, seems to be made only for the purpose of justification of his own behavior and believes.

But despite the original intention a violent aesthetics, it is a must-see.

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My Rating: 9★★★★★★★★★
Metacritic: 71
Rotten Tomatoes: 84